Thursday, November 1, 2007

That's how we started!

My love,
I know that I am a bit more pessimistic about my performance, but is not it a part being optimist? Since I was much more optimistic than requisite, I almost fell flat in the battle field with my face in the dust and my mouth stanched. I understand that it happened only because I expected too much from me in this short time-span and could not brace up for the test. What happened happened for the best.
I did not email you only because I did not want to give you the bad news early morning. I came to Delhi by 5 o'clock in the morning and I was having a fitful sleep, when you called up. I am really lucky to find you- such a strong and caring lady, that you called me in the time when I mostly needed someone's pat on my back for my doing very bad. You did so. Yes, you did Lydia; and once more showed an exemplary show of your highness. It was an expression of your deep love and affection that you consoled me. You are just marvellous.
And what I did in return, I hurt you by asking the stupid question. You know, it happened only because I had in mind that in this world people in general love successful people only; and they do not care for the defeated souls. I mistook my love to be from the common lot. This is my fault Lydia. I deserve severe punishment. YOU are not from the common lot. YOU are unique. And let me tell you, I never intended to speak to you the way I did this morning. It was just a kind of my frustration. I usually do not use this "Frust.....n" for any one. I hate this word. I am not a person who is possessed by the negative thoughts either. But it is just the ramification of the last defeat, which I never faced before in the way I faced this time. I never intended to hurt you. It happened just because I was irritated looking at my performance.
Still, you did the best job that a good friend can do. I have developed more love and respect for you than I ever I had. You are just wonderful. I am one of the happiest persons to find such a lovely person. Truly, now, I am not bothered by the consequences. I am working and I shall work more diligently than I did this time, and I will try to make the project successful. I can not accept my defeat so easily when Lydia is with me.
And also I would like to tell when I say " at any cost", I don't mean at all to achieve through any illegal or immoral means. But if I aim something for my career and see you as the best person to be come closer, what is wrong I do. You tell me, is it a kind of obessession. I do not think so. If some one is driven by fame; and some one by money; and someone by position; what is wrong in being driven by my love. I am drive by my love. Am I wrong? After all one needs a driving force. Well, of course, I must assure you that I will never take any wrong route to reach you but what is wrong in struggling to get to you in a rightful manner. And you always invigorate me with the right kind of inspiration. Tell me if I am wrong.
I understand that it's not only me, who needs the energy to go ahead, but you also need. And I keep bugging you, I never care for your happiness. I have become selfish in that regard. I promise you that I will, now onwards, never bug you with my stupid questions or attitude; and will always talk positively to make things better. I will take care that you are not unnecessarily bugged and irritated. After all why should I do so? The world is moving fast in a positive direction. And only the positivity pays not the negativity, then why I should talk any thing negative. I stop hereby doing so.
Tell me, what is on your job front going on. What is the topic on which you are presenting paper in Spain? Are you ready with that? You must be. Tell me all the good things, you are doing there and forgent the rest about me. Tell me if I could be of some worth to discuss these things with you. I wish you all the best for your paper in Spain and also for the job hunt. I pray that you land up with the job you aspire and in the place you want to. God bless you with all your wishes! May He make you successful in all your endeavors!
Yes, I wanted to tell you that I have come to my uncles across Yamuna. Do you remember the elephants on the way? They are asking about you and sending their warm wishes to you. They are appreciating your lovely presence here. I am visiting them only after I visited with you. I thought to be with them and to balance my disturbed state of mind. I am happy now.
Tell me more about your Christmas celebration. May be, I will not send you the gift to you this time, since I have to send the fees to Illinois but if I find some way, I will keep my words. I know that material things are just secondary things in true love but I just wanted to express it through that "just a token fo love nothing else" also. If I find a chance I will do so in the future.
I am sure that this mail will bring some charm back to you. If I find a chance I will call you Sunday morning or evening. Take good care of yourself. Enjoy the weekend.
Now, I don't merely love you, but also worship you for your all the goodness, call it godliness,
Kisses on your forhead and palms and your feet,
A Devotee,

Happiness Follows!

He is so happy to hear from you – every bit of the reaction in its fullest spirit. This is how he wanted you to react and to show your complete self in its entirety to someone, you will to be with forever in various ways at all levels without any doubt and suspicion. He really appreciates your leonine attitude in this regard. Now, that both of you are openly growling at each other and engaging each other in this battle of words to protect your individual selves, thus your individualities, and the mysteries; you are certainly going to have self satisfaction at very many levels leading you to equanimity. It is indeed worth praising and adventurous. Hurray!!

No doubt, he has hurt you beyond anyone’s imagination at various levels, but let him clarify his side that he did not do it to hurt you but to draw you to the concerns of a friend or a friend in the skin of opposite sex and the normal exactitudes of such a sensitive relationship; in which people find fullest joy brimming out so much so that to bear a being living with happiness and life; passing the same to the generations after generations. Otherwise, he really does not have any right to say about how you think and live this beautiful life. After all, who he is to you, he is just a traveler, forayer, and a foreigner in the robust journey of life. It is his [man’s] nature to travel, foray and explore the inner treasure of hers [woman’s]. It happens same in the case of hers [woman’s] too. Therefore, if you could see the negatives in his attitude and what he did to you through his scathy expressions both in written and spoken, it is because you have not seen it from the perspective of a being – just a normal being without attaching gender feature to that being. Please take his comments from a being’s [without gender attributes] perspective, and for sure, you will find lot of other positives. In the following discussion, he is presenting a fine operation on your comments and trying to show the other side of the body of the talk. Whatever, this discussion and further never ending future discussion will certainly lift both of you upper than, what you both are at this juncture. Please, bear with him.

Yes, it is this being, which lives in every body, thinks in every mind, and liberates in terms of every soul has given him the courage to talk like that. Because that being is the voice of all except none, the voices of that being is not an individual’s but a voice across all castes, creeds, colors, and genders. It must not hurt people, but show him or her a path realizing the meaning of happiness. The wonderful thing about his talk is that like any individual, he just expressed his concerns and expectations in this ethereal world from you in a sensitive relationship, and you are hurt; it is not surprising to him, because this is what happens when expectations are not met and hopes are wiped right in its budding stage. Now, when he expects these two beings to talk in the status just beings and listen to him from a third observer, it must not hurt you. Please forget that if you ever want to be in a romantic relationship but friendship, and be just two beings and see through it. Please, come out of the skin of man or woman and see his perspectives and consider his suggestions. It will soothe your pain and heal your self. Just try it out!

Then, his duty is not just to pamper you and flatter you time and again but also to critique your being. This is what he did. Yes, he was straight-forward, blunt and heartless doing so. Can you imagine open criticism without being heartless? And that hurts too. He acknowledges it and apologizes for being so. You must note that he has equally been caring and loving when occasion demanded and will always do in the times to come. He is not a coward, who attacks the back and shows the back, but a warrior full of vigor and bravery. He speaks into the face and attacks the chest and breast (He would love to use an expression less in its gender tones). Time testifies it.

And why shall he try to be your guru. He is in perfect knowledge of the fact, “Teachers (Gurus) have been destroying disciples (Shishyas), and disciples have been destroying teachers in turn. There is not need of either a teacher or a disciple.” He also agrees with the fact, “If you want to teach someone, then teach yourself; and if you want to follow someone, then follow yourself.” He has not made any effort to be your guru but he has tried to express what he thinks of, thinks about and thinks for.

Besides he also agrees with your concern about the traditional religions, but he does not agree with you that tenets of organized religions have nothing to offer. Rather he would say that Religion (no religions in any plurality, he does not accept it) has been misinterpreted or under-interpreted; and it is unnecessarily much more reflected on. It is entirely different domain of discussion; he generally would not like talk about it at this stage. Though, it is very much clear that you differ from him on this ground too. Both of you can have fruitful discussion on this much sensitive issue also in further communications. He would always like to talk about it once there is comfortable zone for both of you to do so. He also appreciates your interest in listening about it. You will soon get to discuss about it. To give a starter, he would say, “Religion is such a personal aspect of life that it need not be discussed in public. It is so personal that different members in the same family might practice different religions and still, find satisfaction at inner level and peace at the outer level so as not to give rise to any tension but only attraction towards one another.” He also stands with idea, “It must evolve from its current state as it has always been evolving, it will constantly evolve. Well, it was used to put larger wild mass of human beings into order in the yore from above, but now is the time, when there is no need of such an authority at least in the educated classes living in various quarters of the world, though it is the urgent need of the uneducated classes. Otherwise, there will be ultimate chaos. Religion in such case causes fear; and fear tames wildness. What is wrong about such an authority?”

And so far the growth of any sort in his being is concerned he is always open to do it. Do not you think that this encouragement to such a conversation and discussion along the varied lines of life with any being is part of his exploration – his dynamic growth? Who else can encourage these discussions but a learning being? There runs a quick quiz: Tell me who is brave and original? – either a questioner or an answerer. And he has questioned so many things. He did not feel personally attacked in any sense, when you indirectly or directly, intentionally or unintentionally talked about GREEN CARD and WHITE CAR. He did not feel personally offended. You must know that he rather thought it to be childish error on your part. Similar to a restless child insisting on buying a Barbie doll in the busy market taking all routes to convince his or her mother, you were trying to convince a being (Perhaps, you thought, “He is an Indian still in his innocent and ignorant state having no sense of these tit-bits. He is an easy catch.” May be, you would not think like it ever but at one point of time you did so. Ask yourself. Be honest and be a friend with me first.). Truly, he was not attacked at any level but he observes everything like a child trying to know everything around and learning from every event occurring around. He is a learning child maturing in thirties. And this child in him would never die, to tell you this fact. You will meet him time and again at many levels and at the beginning of his another life too, when he will cease to exist in this world.

Well, your operation around him and his friends, if you think that it was not a comfort zone for you to react actually the way you could have, you are indeed not the person who should come in his life as a life partner, but a true friend first and a being, who would like to do things in the way she could with comfort so as to make him proud of your being around. He never thought you to be a person who wants to be reserved in such situations. In fact, he has an American in his mind, who according to him is robust, straight-forward, ready to take any one head-on; and present his or her side without any reservations about anything in the way he or she thinks about anything at any point of time in any group at any level on any occasion. It shows that you do not fit into that scheme of an American. Though I understand it that the kind of your upbringing and socialization (particularly, patriarchy – a system which suppresses) has effected you in this way. I do not blame your for this. But after the realization of these various aspects of life and social institutions in which these lives thrive, one must learn how to fight these evil forces. Talking about it in any terms at any level and taking refuge in it would further encourage such devil forces and it will always live longer. Do not you think that you (woman) must not think about it and talk about it and rather attack it and shatter it into pieces? Having born and brought in this culture (American, I owe respect to it), you must have killed this diabolic force long back and emerged out as a being having no after-effect of your childhood memories.

There is no doubt that silence is wisdom. Though, this silence if maintained for longer than necessary always sends a negative signal. It becomes curse. The speech rules the roost and suppresses others in all the possible ways. Remember what Foucault says, “By the moment one speaks, he or she starts ruling. Thus, when I speak I rule.” He also suggests, “These voices must meet voices so that rulers do not get the suppressive mood through speech.” He would appreciate the resonating voice in such conversations and discussions rather. He is born and brought up in similar conditions, even worse than it is here. He is not patriarchic; otherwise he would not have liked encouraging voices of women in any form. He is rather encouraging you at all levels; and you are making excuses. He did not expect it from you. He would not give her the benefit of doubt.

Yes, this is where he is. He never meant you to wither and weep but come together and grow. What both of you have done till now (until you both started this journey of writing on mails) was nothing but all romantic – walking along the park and sitting in the grass, eating in restaurants and sharing drink and falling into each other’s arms. Do not you think that now that both of you have started communicating about each other’s concerns on various issues, you have started the journey of real growth and accomplishment. This is what he calls, “A real exploration of places and people”. It is a great exploration as deep as mind, heart, and soul. What do you say?

Now, it is up to you to cancel or break down the journey in between or continue it longer than life goes. He is always there to board any train of thoughts going to any destinations with you. You need to be boarded to see how this journey comes out to be. Otherwise once again in the non-patriarchic way with a true sense of a being without any sense of negative ‘-isms’, he gives you the freedom to either throw this ‘voodoo doll from Niagara Falls and watch it slowly float into the depths of darkness’ or keep it in the shining shelf made of your beautiful heart, thinking mind and spiritual soul. It is all up to you. He is always happy. He never wants to command people’s thoughts, visions, and actions. He gives you the true freedom. And this, he is saying keeping eye in eye. Can you see him? If you can, you are always welcome. You would always receive his respect and friendliness and everything you could till now, because he sees the world today, tomorrow and the world beyond. There is much to be unfolded! It is just a beginning! Where are you and why are you going? Come… come on… communicate with a being who wants to make your life a celebration!!

Happiness Within!

It is so nice hearing from you in this spirit. I would further this discussion through writing even more. But before I begin, I would like first of all to establish certain preliminaries having nothing to do in person. I would reply to these questions in the same spirit even if you a complete stranger. However, since I have known you only for a couple of months or one as per your record, it would make more sense to me and you both understand what an individual leaving aside his or her personal or social network in terms of friendship or relationship by birth or marriage ought to get from his or her life. It may necessarily vary from person to person for his or her personal location on time line and in space, but one thing is very much sure every soul in this world undergoes these experiences and tries to find the best for his or her happiness, which is obviously a relative and subjective term, though, of course, it is a state of mind.

The multi-dollar question for every one is: what helps one attain this state of mind? And why does not every being (particularly human beings) attain this state of mind, if it is that relative and subjective? What forces an individual to stop attain this state of mind? And there are other related queries and questions to be answered. Now that the larger questions are clear to me, I might address them properly from my point of view and also reflect on how come I gathered courage to question your happiness if at all, I have come across ETERNAL BLISS in this physical world or the mental world. Also who am I to question an individual's happiness (such that of yours) and in what spirit, if at all I did so, I did it. Now listen carefully:

Primarily, please do not take this issue as personal first and then, take it to the matter of personal ego. Secondly, you must trust this unknown soul in its entirety, inasmuch as I am not doing it for any personal reasons but for a common cause from this point onwards. If this matter were so personal and friendly alone, I would not have bothered talking this much because this is quite sensitive issue and I have no right to talk negatively about any person in any capacity so far he or she is not a matter of public debate. In sum and substance, I do not have any right to negative critique any person about his or her personal take of the life and its varied aspects. Finally, I am doing so as to lift you up from where you are and the kind of pain you are either scared of or you are undergoing. I am not talking because I am a friend of An INDIVIDUAL but I am talking because I do not a single soul to undergo such a pain if there is any, which I observed in you (once again I apologize for saying so, otherwise I do not have any right to say so). But now that I made things clear, I would start speaking in the light of questions posed earlier.

Before I come back to the questions raised by me in the earlier paragraph, I would like to answer you questions:

How can you [Vishwajeet, I would refer to me as him hereforth] know [An INDIVIDUAL] so much in only one month?

First of all, what is knowing a person i.e. when he says. "I know you"; what it is that he knows about a person. So what is this knowledge that he claims to have about An INDIVIDUAL and how much reliable his knowledge is there about her. In other words, what makes a human being an individual - distinct from not only from other animals; but unique in all senses from all other members of the same species and of the other member of a community in this world of 21st century. It also involves questions about personal beliefs, non-beliefs, fear/s, his or her location on the time line and in the space. What makes these things in a person? Does a social set up i.e. socialization or education or exposure to / interaction with the wider variety of communities thriving in all quarters of the world or individual's short or long term goals or all of them make one an individual? He is sure that An INDIVIDUAL would agree with him that it is every ounce of time and interaction with this world, may be, with a person or object or event contribute significantly in making a man or woman. And finally, an individual (confined to human world only at this stage) does not only sense of 'individual being' but also a 'social being'.

This also suggests that knowing of person does not involve knowing him or her in person within but also his or outer layerings i.e. outer world in which he or she operates, beyond them all, he or she develops various skills to fight to the odds of life past, present and future all. Thus, knowing a person would involve knowing him or her at all these levels. These things aside, he or she does not only become knowable but develops a keen sense of knowing others i.e. if ocassion arises, he or she would be able to apply his or her knowledge to know others as and when need arises and as he or she interacts with. This happens so fast and instantly and spontaneously in a trained mind that he or she does not, at times, need read or observe others for longer times. It is something like reading an article. Suppose An INDIVIDUAL has read fifty articles based on Second Language Acquisition. If she took 15 minutes per page in reading beginning articles, she will obviously not take more than 4-5 minutes to read the last few articles in the lot of 50. Her comprehension skills has build up so strong in the long run that she can just read it and understand it without any efforts. Same thing happens in reading people too.

Meeting people is nothing but reading a mind, though in various forms, since things are not printed in black and white, it is really little difficult but through constant practice and consistency, it is possible to read them in one go and dig into someone's mind as deep as to overwhelm people. Though it has never been his intention, it happens naturally with these people. This is how a common man or woman rises from the ground to in various terms and impress people in very many ways. Those who have become mass movers or group (as larger as world) leaders, only because of their being quick in grasping things with its spirits and applying them in the same spirit for future operations. It is so simple. He claims to know An INDIVIDUAL in such a great detail that he might tell things in present and future. Though she might not believe it or feel reluctant to do so, not because she is not what she is, but because this mystery of an individual (what he or she is what makes him or her what he or she is) is what gives him or her an upper hand and makes him or her distinct, thus, impressing others. She would be reluctant to accept only because she would not like this mystery to be unfolded. Because once this mystery of individuality is unfolded, he or she becomes a follower of the person who unfolds it directly or indirectly; intentionally or unintentionallly. And human mind at large is so reluctant to accept this, because there lies individuality. He appreciates this approach for encouraging uniqueness and moving and living life. Otherwise, settling with other's ideas would always bring nothing but stillness and stillness is nothing but death. It is not any good time to settle with it. So, whether An INDIVIDUAL believes it and follows him or not, but for sure he understands her; and since he does so, he wanted to draw her attention towards her self and its weaknesses that he sees in her through her such personal interactions. He is voicing out her soulful concerns, perhaps, she overlooked it personally for lack of time or attention or training at one or the other level.

Therefore, with this knowledge being a stranger having nothing to do with An INDIVIDUAL, he would say that An INDIVIDUAL is a wonderful person happy with her life and times. But as soon as he becomes your voice, inasmuch as he understands her or say, knows her, he would say that An INDIVIDUAL is little unhappy. Now, there comes a question of how come so, as she posed it in her previous mail. But above all, first of all, he and An INDIVIDUAL must agree on the definition of HAPPINESS and its DERIVATION. Let me reveal what he understands by the much reflected term HAPPINESS. It is nothing but a state of mind of an individual putting his or her whole being (physically, mentally, psychologically, biologically, etc) into such a mode that every aspect of that being is free of worries, weariness, tension, trauma, dullness, tiredness etc that he or she radiates with energy to extend this happiness (state of mind) to others through cheerful face, active body, looking for interaction and intercourse. It is involving so much so that he or she forgets every thing rest in this world and enjoys the pleasure of current moment. He or she lives into it.

This HAPPINESS is generally derived through a balancing act between his or her personal INTELLIGENT, EMOTIVE, BODILY, SPIRITUAL BEING, SEXUAL BEING, COMMUNICATIVE BEING giving rise a healthy body, mind and soul. And the level of these factors into one's being ( i.e. IQ, EQ, BQ,SQ, XQ, CQ etc) is different in different beings, but in a happy being has it all at a balance. Any lack of balance in it brings unhappiness in the being. Thus, he or she is observed to be unhappy or happy. A satiation of these diferent beings in the same individual of his or her brings him or her close to the state questioning the purpose of his or her being and the experience of ENLIGHTENMENT. There he or she acts into the direction. And once he or she knows how to strike this balance and practices it into the same direction, he or she attains ETERNAL BLISS. When he or she dies, he or she liberates from the CYCLE OF BIRTH AND DEATH i.e. LIFE. The being with a unique set of beings and balance would never be replicated and be born again in this world. But attainment of this state of being is really very difficult and not every one gets even close to it. Those who do so get IMMORTALITY. He wishes every being in this world attain this state of being. For sure, this state of mind or being is the outcome of interaction within and balancing act within. It does never come from outside. As soon as an individual tries to get it from outside, he or she develops a tendency to depend on the outside world in one or the other sense on one or the other object or being in this world. And this is a matter of striking harmony between the two. It is next to impossible, because every being or object is unique in this world and tries to retain his or her individual nature and (say, mystery) and there acts the forces against the such an act of deriving from outside and not from within.

He has come across similar experiences through interacting with An INDIVIDUAL. An INDIVIDUAL tends to derive happiness not from within but from outside - relaxing and depending, when there is chance to act on her own; and extend happiness from within. (He can be quite objective and detailed in this aspect as well, if it is required). Still he is so positive and optimistic about the individual's growth that he looks forward in An INDIVIDUAL of a termendous change from within and derive HAPPINESS from within first and extend it when ocassion demands. It is not his sake or benefit or for her interaction with one individual but all except none. There is every potential in every being of this world to do so, what is required is of little interrogation and action into that direction coming out of the confinements of fear and suspicion, feelings of solitude and fertitude. "And An INDIVIDUAL has all the potential to do so," he believes so.

A short comment on your comment, "perhaps you have overpowered me". It is human nature to overpower others in one or the other form. One should know how to resist it and act to overpower others for zest of life. An INDIVIDUAL must take her time to overpower others. If she fails, it is not other's fault who empower or overpower her but hers.

For today,


Through this letter I would like to voice some of my concerns about my coming to India and my upcoming projects either located in India or elsewhere. This has much to do with my dream. Thus, I would talk about the possibility of my coming to India in 2008-09 and also the possible outcome of the trip to India. It might sound little professional to you but this is what I must add in this letter to confirm that I can not compromise with my dreams whatsoever. You know it well that dreams have significant place in one’s life and having no dream is having no joy in life. It adds adventure and pleasure in an individual’s life whosoever. I would also stress the necessity of having such an attitude to life in this letter and expect more people to join this dream project. I would also talk about the way you can contribute to this dream project and make my being in USA more fruitful. So before, I state more I would first tell you about my dream.

I am not talking about a dream people usually see eyes closed during their sleep, when the active mind sleeps and passive wakes up; but I am talking about a dream which evolves for years through one’s life experiences and education. This is what happened with me as well. I have cherished a dream since I was born as an individual and not merely as a being i.e. in my personal opinion, a mere birth of a baby into this world of desire and suffering, life and death does not mean birth that is birth of a being only. The original birth of individual takes place, when he or she identifies his or her self and comes up with his or her own individual questions in response to the world affairs. He or she identifies the value of his or her being and sets up a goal in this world of life and death. He or she knows him or herself or at least tries to know him or herself.

It happens when he or she frees him or herself from the chains of exploitative structures of a social construct in terms of caste, creed, color, religion or region, gender, class or age; which gives rise to unrest in the society at various levels; and this ultimately invites extreme reactions from different quarters of society in general and at large. And this freedom from various negative ‘-isms’ does not necessarily mean disrespect towards the positive age-old cultural notions or practices but demands further evolution of mankind through modern cultures. It requires new generations to look into various aspects of different societies at large and find solutions to the constant problems causing hurdle in the way to dynamic progress of each and every individual, whether located in the north or in the south pole of the world. Rather it (the freedom in its truer sense) focuses on quest of truth through available resources or other innovative means. There emerges a dream in a free mind and that dream constantly propels him or her to chase it. This fuels his or her life and makes his or her life worth living. And I dream to facilitate young minds a workspace for them to learn how to dream and how to chase such dreams. But the puzzle is how to achieve such a goal - how to realize this dream project? I have a plan with me, which I have always worked on. This is my dream project. And any ounce of this dream could not be true without the grand support of my kith and kin; my friends and relations; without you all. Thus, I plan to involve all of mine, yours and theirs in this dream project. And for this, I seek positive response from you all.

A word of caution is there. Those who believe that my dream would always be a dream and would never see the real sun can just watch if not support it. Those who take these expressions to be just a word game must play safe and not run the risk of loss. I am serious about this dream project and will realize today or tomorrow in this life. But till then everyone must girdle up to celebrate it either as participants in the dream project or mere audience. Everyone is welcome to this dream project! Hey! What is this DREAM project? Guess what it can be.

The dream project is all about giving a system to my native place, my nation and this world of none but ours – the abode of millions of creatures through establishing an Institution, which aims to train minds and readies them socially, educationally, professionally, technically, psychologically, economically, and scientifically to fight out the oddities of future. It is a long term investment into the unseen future. These oddities can range from natural disasters to man-made disasters. It will address the basic issues of survival of common beings to the plight of life onto the other possible worlds. And it aims to serve people of all caste, creed, color, gender, region, religion and thoughts and principles. You must not be curious to know how it is going to happen. It is with you I am going to do. You are going to do. We are going to do it together. I would lay out the general details of how to move inch by inch into that direction. This is the primary goal of my life, which also requires me now to shake off some of my personal secondary goals.

To be continued…

Further I would like to discuss about such a dream in other letters in the series and would like you all to cherish in any way you could. With this letter, I am also sending you some of the details about my being here. These are important identification papers. Please do not show it to anyone other than the family members and keep it in the safe place. You can use them in emergency situations. Otherwise it is just a crap of paper nothing else.

Take good care of you all,

All these communications are real. Though there is no resemblance of any name with real person. Thus, any claim or complaint will be dealt accordingly.